Hornets are worthy of protection! click on thumbnails to enlarge the images A large hornet colony captures several kilos of mostly annoying or even harmful insects through the season! Reassurance for anxious beekeepers: The main food of the hornets is approximately 90% flies, and only occasionally bees. Bee scientists state that the effect of hornets on bee hives is negligible. The daily catch from the beginning of June approx. is about 10-15 bees per worker, because only some hornets go to hunt bees. At this time a fully developed bee colony faces this predation with approx. 50,000 animals. If one considers the high laying rate of a queen bee, the number of bees emerging are in the region of 1,500-3,000 per day. Hence, the loss of bees is really relatively small (< 1%) for a healthy hive and no real threat. In addition, the bees killed at this time are not those which will go on to form the overwintering stock. Indeed, loss through weather and other causes (for example pesticide, herbicides, Varroa mite, traffic) are likely to have much more effect. a bee colony likes our hornet-box very much! Please put it to the test! Allow hornets to live near your hives. Some beekeepers even encourage hornets and erect a box near their hives because, as night-active hunters, hornets reduce infestation of the more damaging wax moth! Additionally, hornets hold a type of peace near their nest, they dont seem to hunt in the immediate vicinity. A nest provides fascinating observation possibilities of these beautiful black-yellow creatures rewarding you for the decision to set up a hornet box! Click here for a building guidance. It cannot be pointed out often enough that hornets are extremely peaceful insects, highly rewarding to observe. These stately, large insects provide an amazing sight for nature lovers. A few facts about hornet protection in Germany: RESULT:
The work of many years of hornet protection bears fruits: in almost all cases populations have responded positively to care.
Hymenoptera>Vespoidea>Vespidae>Vespa crabro>Hornisse>Hornet>Frelon>Hoornaar>Vespa grande>Abejorro>Calabrone Webmaster: Hymenoptera>Vespoidea>Vespidae>Vespa crabro>Hornisse>Hornet>Frelon>Hoornaar>Vespa grande>Abejorro>Calabrone